Sometimes you are looking for unique skin which can be obtained only from specific quest. If you play WoW for a long time you could forgot which quest you already did. Even if you know that quest is still available for you it can be part of long chain and you can have problem with finding which quests from it you already done. It this short post I will show you how you can check if you already done chosen by you quest.
First of all you need to know which quest are you looking for. Lets say that you want to check if you have already done quest which name is : Showdown.
For those of you who do not know this quest offer as an reward mail head with an eye-patch skin. It is only one mail eye-patch available in game. If you already did this quest and removed it you can't get any other mail eye-patch for transmo.
To find out if your character already done this quest you need to have its ID.
How to get quest ID?
Lets say that you want to check if you have already done quest which name is : Showdown.1. Go to Wowhead and search for your quest.
2. In your browser address bar you should see something like this:

Those number at the end will always be your quest ID. In the same way you can find NPC ID or item ID
Now when you have quest ID the funny part begins.
How to check if you done this quest?
There are few ways:1. In game command
You can use simple in game command:
/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(QUEST-ID))
Where QUEST-ID should be replaced with your chosen quest ID. You can copy paste this line into in game chat or add it to make so you will be able to come back to it whenever you will need it.
After entering this comand to WoW chat you can get two options 1 or nil. 1 - means completed and nil - means that you still can do this quest
There is also longer version of this command:
/run for k, v in pairs({ QuestCompleted = QUEST-ID}) do print(format("%s:
%s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or
"\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
It shows a little bit longer results. For quest completed it shows: QuestCompleted:Yes and for not: QuestCompleted:No
Why should you use it
- This option is fast- You can store it as macro
Why shouldn't you use it
- You need to be in game2. Check your 'quest log'.
You can use this link:
For US -
Where: YOUR_CHARACTER_NAME should be replaced with your character name and YOUR-REALM with your realm name
So for example if your character name is Doktosqua and you play on EU server called Burning Legion your link should look like this :
If you will create this address in correct way you should see something like this:
It is list of ID from all quests you done on character you are checking. If you want to find out if your character done specific quest just search here for its ID. If you are using Firefox browser just ctrl+F and enter your chosen quest ID. If you can find it in this block of text it means that you already done this quest.
Why should you use it
- This link shows you all useful informations about character like battle group or achi points- It can be always access from any browser or mobile device
- You don't need to be in game
Why shouldn't you use it
- There are easiest options3. Use other websites
There are websites like:
Which let you check which quest are still available for your character. It is quite easy to use. All you need to do is just enter your character details.
Why should you use it
- One of the easiest options- It can be always access from any browser or mobile device
- You don't need to be in game
Why shouldn't you use it
- You need to know in which location your quest is.4. Ask Game Master
You can just simple write in game (or via website) ticket. Game Master should be able to assist you and check for you if you already done specyfic quest
Why should you use it
- Game Masters can answer all other questions you have- If you already done your quest it is possible that GM will restore your lost item (They usually do not want to do so)
- You don't need to have quest ID. You can just tell GM which quest you are looking for.
Why shouldn't you use it
- Usually you need to wait at least few hour for your ticket to be answered- You need to be in game
5. Use addons
There are lots of addons which will just show you if you already done some quests. However usually they shows only quests in your current location or you need to know where exactly should be your quest. Anyway from my researches it seems that those addons can help:
Quest completist -
Quest hubber -
I prefer other options and I'm trying to limit numbers of addons I use so I've not checked those particular ones. However I read lots of good opinions about them.
I do use addon called MogIt: it not only helps you with transmo but also shows skins sources. If particular item is from quest it will also let you know if you already completed that quest.
Why should you use it
- Addons can show also other useful informationsWhy shouldn't you use it
- You need to be in game- To many addons can slow your game
Thank you so muich! Very handy!
ReplyDeleteGreat Guide. Thank you so much!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. Great Blog!
ReplyDeleteThe API is giving out "access denied". Blizzard forums have same information.